Not Nick, Nico.

Still not sure WTF this is. 
But looks good.

Jent’s Intimate Spray - Vasily’s Remedy.

What's Jent's spray:
Jent's is a Russian tiny spray to combat erectile dysfunction.
Its benefit: with only two shots and in a few seconds, the issue is solved.
And it's so small, it eliminates the hassle of carrying it around.


A little context:
As far as the brief says, erectile dysfunction is still a taboo topic in some Eastern countries.
And Russian men are specially a bit "macho".
They wouldn't talk about any sexual issue, cry, or whatever puts their masculinity into question.


The idea:
So we thought of the more "manly" Russian out there today:
Vasily Kamotsky, worldwide known as "The king of slaps"
Vasily was viral for some videos slapping other huge men in slapping contests.

The beauty behind him is that he's extremely cute, despite its enormous strength.
And also, he's a bit bizarre. A thing that we couldn't miss on this spot.

So we wanted him to impart a particular treatment and dispel all these taboos at a stroke.
Always with a good vibe.